Archives for August 12, 2013


Feeling rejected?  Well, know you are in good company as every single person on this planet has experienced rejection in one form or another.

If you take rejection poorly, (I have vascilated between well and not so well), then you are putting value in the person or entity that has rejected you.  More value than you put on yourself.  If that is the case, then you are likely a people-pleaser or lack confidence in yourself and want people to like you.  (No judgments, I’ve been there and still am to a degree.)  Rejection means that the other person or being does not understand you or connect with you or themselves, perhaps, and it is therefore a useful tool to  affirm that a harmonious relationship is not possible.  That is wisdom.  Other times rejection allows us to improve and try again.  Again, wisdom.   Or, perhaps rejection is an indication that something is not quite right, so it helps us to ‘wake up and smell the double espresso.’  Yup, wisdom.  Instead of applying wisdom though, many view rejection as a permanent obstacle to our goals or desires and then, either give up or go to desperate measures with dire consequences to get what or who we want from life.

Rather than see it as an opportunity to transform, and become alchemical, many stay stuck in old beliefs systems that no longer work and keep us unconscious of our inner potential.

How one handles rejection is often indicative of the beliefs one holds.  Often, a belief of pleasing others or being perfect, or feelings of abandonment provide a solid foundation for feeling unworthy, unlovable or unacceptable.   Feelings of rejection are likely deeply seeded from our developmental years.  It could be that we were abandoned, neglected, unloved or viewed as imperfect or ‘wrong’. But you must shine the light of consciousness on it with focused concentrated attention in order to see and release it.

Imagine if you could feel that rejection is a good thing, a wake-up call, or possess a mature understanding that balance could not be achieved, it’s beyond your control and that you have all that you need within you to walk your own path, vibrating in harmony with the energy of others, not against it.  Believe in the Universe.  Believe in you.  Walk your path with courage fearlessly, and never doubt your self-worth.

It’s time to pull yourself up from your bootstraps, kick out the ‘pity partiers’ and throw yourself a party celebrating that you now know what doesn’t work.  It doesn’t mean you’re wrong, bad or pathetic.   Life is ever-changing and nothing lasts forever.  If you can understand that letting go is one of the healthiest and wisest things (and also one of the most challenging things) you can do, you will begin to love yourself, organically, and know that you don’t have to be a victim of your life.  Keep yourself in the Now and work with what’s in front of you.  From the ordinary you can create extraordinary, just don’t give up.   I tell myself this as much as anyone else, as I await to hear from some publishers this week!