Archives for January 15, 2015

Re-Activity. That Subject-Again?

Over and over, the same behaviors create the same issues, leading to life experiences which are negative or unhealthy.  No matter how hard some of us try, the patterns are stuck, hard-wired in our brains, and like little automatons we react without wisdom over and again.  Aha, here’s the good news of neuroplasticity:  Your brain is plastic and can be molded, rather than stuck in the same old patterns.  So, why do we keep reacting the same way over and again if we can have the power to change?

1.  Your conscious mind thinks it knows better, but it doesn’t.    It’s the subconscious/unconscious minds that are driving the bus-where habits and the repeated aspects of personality are stored.

2.  To create new patterns, the brain must be in ‘receptive’ mode-slower brain waves-in order for you to receive a new command. (Slower heart rate, breath slower, open mind, skin and muscles relaxed-a meditative state) Then it’s over and over and over again for at least 70 days plus til it automates in your brain.

3.  Many of us are ‘gung-ho’ about making changes and then we slack off, and the ego comes in the back door to say, “Shame on you!”, or “Blame on -Who?”  Self-defeating thoughts then create self-defeating behaviors.

4.  The remote, the wine bottle, the texts, emails, Facebook, Twitter get in the way.  Discipline is lacking, when distractions are abound, and the focus on change is lost.

5.  Changes should be made with full desire to change and in small steps.  Too large a change, and the brain will default back to it’s old ways if overwhelmed.

Ever think you have control over your reactions, and then you just, well, don’t?  Tell me, tell me!