Archives for September 30, 2013

The Art of Conscious Relaxation-Yoga Nidra

“Nidra” means sleep, but is distinguishable from the “sleep” we know of in the West.  Yoga Nidra is “The Art of Conscious Relaxation”.

True relaxation without an external source prodding us into slower brain waves, has been one of the biggest challenges of our adult stress-filled lives. And what’s more is that most of the “relaxing” activities that our society engages in, don’t actually relax our mind and bodies, but merely stimulate the senses, which counters the intention to relax.

In a society where most individuals become victims or slaves to technology and the “instant-gratification” nation, stress-induced disorders have become epidemic or are on the rise, affecting the health of our people.

Enter center-stage, Yoga Nidra, or ‘psychic sleep’.  ‘Psychic sleep’ is a state between wakefulness and dreams. It means that I, you or anyone else can self-induce our minds and bodies to receive relaxation beyond the active beta wavelengths that most of our brains are drowning in during waking hours. It means that not only can you slow the activity of your brain (inducing alpha, theta or delta wave-states) and mind through relaxing the body, but one can also actually heal present and past emotional, physical or psychological pain trapped in the subconscious and unconscious minds, thought to be more powerful than the conscious mind. It also means that diseases can be cured, the nature of the mind-personality can be re-structured and creative genius restored.

As the physical mediator of consciousness, the brain has a profound effect on one’s body as it links body, mind and emotion into one unit.

In a balanced person, the brain induces a harmonious unification between body, mind and emotion. But in a person who is hyper-active, stimulated or even traumatized, there is no balance between activity and receptivity, leaving an energetic residue or toxins in the body. Yoga nidra affects the brain and its chemical output while calming the nervous system through heightened awareness of the body. Specifically, the progressive movement of awareness of individual body parts, in a systematic manner, not only induces physical relaxation but can also clear all the nerve pathways to the brain. And for many of us, our mind’s manner of thinking and being is a result of childhood and adult conditioning, which tends to emphasize materialism and pleasuring the senses, while negatively impacting our health.

There are also numerous scientific studies showing the benefits of Nidra for pain, insomnia, depression, anxiety, cancer therapy, high blood pressure, aging, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, inflammatory conditions, and much more.

If you’ve never tried Nidra, perhaps today’s the day?  If you are interested in more information, please email me or comment below.  A 45- minute complete practice is also available for purchase under “Digital Meditations”.

Namaste, and have a restful day!