Ground Down

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As the Fall season is upon us, so comes with it a change of weather to cool and dry, hosting a welcoming environment for dry skin, colds, sinus pressure, itchy eyes and scratchy throats. And so, a new school year has begun, migration back to city-living and a flurry of lists and activities are at the tops of most New Yorker’s priorities, with little time for rest, swallowed up by all the activity. In the rush of all things new or changing, many of us tend to ‘fly off’, lose contact with Earth as we spin out of control into a hurricane of emotions, movements, aches and pains. It is important more than ever, to ground down, and stay close to the Earth when we feel our worlds spinning out of control. Warm, moist, heavy foods help to keep us closer to Earth, fortifying the immune system, accented by cinnamon, curry, ghee (clarified butter), honey or tumeric, amongst other warming spices. Especially now, our bodies are stiff and tired, so baths or saunas can help to bring us back to balance both physically and mentally.  Take time to nap, enjoy relaxing music, or take it a notch down from your regular routine.  Many injuries and illnesses tend to spring up in the fall, so take the time nurture yourself, using the Earth’s natural bounties as your tethers.

So, I hugged a tree in Central Park this past week as helicopters spun in circles above me and the NYPD seemingly made traffic worse, while Obama and his motorcade infested my town. I probably could have spent an hour or more clinging to that tree, but in merely seconds, I felt secure, centered and ready to forge ahead, through the chaos of night in New York City.  If you’ve never hugged a tree, go ahead, try it, especially when you’re spinning upward in circles.  Then, you can call me crazy, but until then…let me know what small steps you can take to keep yourself closer to the ground as change abounds around you.


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