How to Make Intentions Stick in 2015

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Most of us recognize that an intention to accomplish something is necessary in order to manifest that which we intend.   Good intentions are a nice start, but without any effort or plan, they do often pave the ‘road to Hell’- a state of mind indicating failure or disappointment, leading us into a downward spiraling of behavior sure to defeat all of those good intentions.  So if you are one of the many with good intentions for 2015, a couple of tips for manifesting your intentions:

1.  Each intention should be small and manageable.  If you resolve to exercise more, or drink less, in 2015, try a week by week goal.  If the intention is too large, it becomes intimidating and then you set yourself up for self-defeat, which engenders feelings of guilt, disappointment, blame and shame.

2.  Make a plan and write it down.  Even though you might diverge from your original plan throughout the process, a well-thought out plan that works for your life and schedule is better than no plan.

3.  Find a partner or a group to accomplish your goal with.  Inspiration by others and accountability to others will motivate you to stick with your plan.

4.  Incentivize yourself.  An incentive will help you through difficult times, when you feel like quitting. You can tell yourself something like, “When I complete my intention in the first week/month, I’ll treat myself to ___.”

5.  Keep a healthy distance from people, situations or things that might tempt you to relinquish your intentions, especially when willpower is low.  Until your resolve is stronger than external influences, it is best to stay far away from temptation, and find an activity or group that is in alignment with your needs and goals.

Have a great New Year!

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