Have no time for ‘space’ in your life?

Where I live, New York City, many don’t have the time to make space.  New Yorkers are working around the clock, either towards something (their children’s futures, entertainment, bigger homes, ski vacations out West, trips abroad) or working to stay away from something (the neighbor they don’t like, the sexist or narcissist boss, the candy store, the skinny jeans or burger joint).  There is hardly time to breathe, we run so fast. We have no space in our schedules.

Why is space so important?  Because, it is in space that our potential to create is heightened.  It is in space, where an intense point of light expanded out, and exploded, making space out of darkness, i.e. The Big Bang. And in the space, where darkness once lie, that point of light created itself into a beautiful, expansive, mysterious, wondrous universe.  If we don’t give ourselves space, we stay stuck in our conscious and nearly conscious mind, where thoughts, 70% of the time, according to some experts, are either repetitive or negative.  If we created space, we could instead move into the subconscious mind, which is where deep belief systems were seeded, systems which go against our nature and our evolution.

Very few of us have the consciousness to really know what is hidden deep within, but without space, there is little chance one ever will.  Once we move out of the small parts of our brain that we often use, away from sensory stimulation, away from constant activity, we can tap into other parts of our brain, the unconscious parts, and see how we’ve actually created the parts of our lives that we don’t want or like.  It doesn’t take much effort, anywhere is fine, just give your mind a time to rest, and watch those backstage thoughts flash center stage.  That’s the subconscious mind.  It will start to reveal what you really think and feel, and you may be surprised to find out what that is!

Our brains are akin to a hard-drive and the beliefs and energy that surrounded us in the past, especially as a young child, is the software that has been ‘downloaded’ to our brains.  Through meditation or ‘watching’ the mind’s subtler thoughts, one is creating the space to be able to start identifying the old beliefs, choices, actions and decisions, the out-of-date-software that has occupied mind and body for years.   Once the internal beliefs wreaking havoc have been identified, a clearing of those beliefs is necessary for evolution. Once internal space is created, you can ‘download’ new software, new beliefs that will assist you in taking full responsibility for your own well-being and creating miracles.  Nothing is created by wishing, action is required.  But, honor the space, because without it, your internal ‘hard-drive’ will undoubtedly crash.